Leadership Development

We work with organizations to provide leadership development programs that are targeted and impactful. We can do an initial needs assessment to determine areas where development is needed or we can come in once the needs have been identified and help the organization close the gaps. Our programs are customized to ensure relevance for participants and include an assessment component to increase insight and focus. Topics in our leadership development programs include: Communication Skills, Providing Coaching and Feedback, Leading through Change, and Team Development.

Organizations invest a great deal of resources in leadership development by providing educational opportunities and training, but do not obtain a return on that investment by way of increased effectiveness and improved business results. The reason these programs do not have the impact needed is because they do not provide all of the components necessary for development to happen. We leverage our expertise in adult learning and development to design and deliver leadership development programs that not only engage the adult learner, but lead to measurable impact. We obtain these results by ensuring insight and motivation exist before skill development occurs. We also ensure that there is relevance in the skill building and opportunities for practice and application of new skills. Lastly, we work with organizations to ensure there are consequences and rewards in the development process.